Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This is the first day in days that I have posted to my blog. I haven't been feeling well and my creativity has been low. This health problem is an ongoing problem of pain that the doctors are not helping and it has finally taken a toll on my overall being. If anyone out there is experiencing the same symptoms, I would love to hear from you, because obviously the doctors are doing nothing to help. They claim it's fibromyalgia, costocondritis, and reflux....I think differently! Nothing is helping and the pain in my chest and throat is getting worse and more constant....everyday now! I am generally an upbeat and optomistic person, but this is wearing me down. I am trying to push myself to work, but it's not easy. I am making another attempt at using herbs ....stinging nettle and ginger.....anyone else have any suggestions.

Well onto my art for the day.....this is a photo of a daisy from my garden....they are beautiful....white on top and purple underneath. I will be adding this to the "Garden of Delights" are the links.....

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