Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Blog due to technical difficulties!

Well, I used to have a blog at.......
and it's still there, but I can no longer sign into it because I made the silly mistake of signing up for another gmail account under a different username with Google. When I did that something went seriously wrong with my regular account. I can no longer get into my old blogger, which not only had my old blog, but my access to several other group blogs that I was involved in.
After many attempts to straighten it out, I just give up!!!! You won, Google!!!!!

Anyway, I'm Eva Barkman....a multi-media artist and photographer from Northeast Ohio.
I do mixed media paintings and digital art and photography. I also do anything artsy and even crafty....I just love to create things. I sell my art & photography online on several venues and also in galleries and shows nationwide.

I'm going to try and give this daily art blogging a try. So for today, I'm posting one of my orchid pictures that has been photomanipulated on a digital art program. It is one of many floral art pictures that I have in a Digital Flower Garden at.....


These beautiful digital gardens are the creation of artist and web designer KKC Bauder. This talented lady has taken the awesome digital art of several WWAO Worldwide Women Artists Online members and has created a digital flower garden like none you've ever seen.
Take a leisurely cyber walk through these gardens and be delighted with their artistic beauty.

1 comment:

Linda Watson said...

Hi Eva,

Contact me thru my blog & I'll exchange links with you.
